One of the services we provide at MasterWorks Painting & Remodeling is window replacement, and something we’re often asked is, “How do I know when it’s time to replace my windows?”

There are a few answers. Here’s how you can really tell…

When your windows are damaged, warped, or broken.

This can include the window frames and window panes, too. If anything is cracked, rotting, warped, or broken, that’s a good indicator that it should be replaced. If they’re sticking when you attempt to open or close them? Problem. Do they refuse to remain open? Problem. Even if the window still operates, it can develop serious problems or cost you money.

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When the glass is hot or cold.

During the summer, if you touch your window and the glass is hot, this means it should be replaced. Likewise, when you touch the window during winter and the glass is freezing cold, that’s a sign it should be replaced. It’s probably also time to replace your window(s) if you walk near it and it feels drafty.

When your energy bill is increasing.

If your energy bill is growing and you don’t quite know why, it may be due to your windows. If they’re drafty, that could mean they’re letting out your warm or cool indoor air and letting in the air from outside. This compromises the temperature inside your home and forces your air conditioner or heater to work harder in order to keep the temperature steady. As a result, this drives up your energy bill.

When you’ve had recent severe weather, especially storms.  

Depending on where you live, the weather can take a serious toll on the exterior of your house—especially the windows. If you’ve had recent rough weather, check your windows to see if they’re damaged. If you decide to replace them, you may want to consider specialty windows that are made stronger to last through hazardous weather conditions.

When you can hear outside noise more loudly than you used to.

Can you all of a sudden hear the neighbors’ kids a lot more than you used to? Are police sirens now overwhelming? Are neighborhood dogs driving you nuts? If you’re noticing that the outdoors is invading your home, the culprit may be your windows. Over the years, windows warp and small gaps begin to appear in them, which allows outside noise to come through easily.

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When the windows have condensation, cloudiness, or frost.

When you see frost, condensation, or cloudiness inside your double-paned windows, this means that the seals between the glass panes aren’t working and are allowing moisture to build up between the glass. This also means that your windows aren’t insulating your home in the way that they should—and it’s time to replace them.


MasterWorks Painting & Remodeling offers new windows and other home improvement services in Fairfax, Ashburn, Oakton, Vienna, and the surrounding Virginia areas. Contact us at (703) 263-3302 for a free estimate!