3 Common Painting Mistakes to Avoid

Interior painting is an excellent way to brighten up a tired room and give your home a fresh new look without investing in complete renovations. However, there are a number of common painting mistakes that you should try to avoid. At MasterWorks Painting & Remodeling, we’ve seen it all, so we’ve put together a list of the top three DIY painting blunders and how to circumvent them. Take a look at these before you start your next home-improvement project.1. Choosing … Continued

Top Colors Predicted for 2015

The year 2015 has only just begun, but home design experts and paint companies are already forecasting what the color trends will look like in the year ahead. MasterWorks Painting & Remodeling of Fairfax, VA wants to help keep you up to speed. In case you’re ready for a modern paint color change, consider some of the following color trends for your residential painting project.

The Downstairs Dilemma

Even if you have a finished basement, it may not be completely finished. After all, installing drywall, insulation, and nice flooring doesn’t mean that your downstairs will automatically feel like home.